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Electrician Simulator VR: Devlog Series #1

A spark of change! Reinventing the electrician's job.

Hi Electricians!

We are working at high speed, after all, we aim to bring Electrician Simulator to virtual reality. This requires us, first of all, to take a proper look at the whole of the existing game. Electrician Simulator on PC and consoles was of course in 3D, but now we have to make it even more than 3D. All of the existing actions have to be redesigned to align with the specificity of VR. So that you can fully feel like electricians, pick up tools and get down to wiring.

All of the actions, that is, what kind of actions? Will Electrician Simulator become a completely different game through VR? Is there anything old left in it?


Something old

Certainly the essentials. Your favorite places remain in the game, but in a completely new version and with new mechanics. You will see familiar houses and familiar tasks. Let us share which ones we’ve already transferred to VR mechanics. Setting up items such as light switches and junction boxes, connecting plugs and junction box cables to outlets. Installing outlets and switches on the junction box, installing fuses and lamps, also screwing in bulbs. We’ll write more about all this in detail in the future, because for practically every one of these things we have some additions planned, whether more stylistic or new, interesting mechanics to diversify the gameplay.

Something new

Just as various perks will enter the installation assembly, the game as a whole will receive some changes and novelties. One such major change will be the functioning of the store. In previous versions, you could only access the store from your garage, so you had to make all your purchases before going on a work assignment. Now you will have access to it all the time, so even if you forget to get something, it will only take a few clicks, because you always have the store at hand. In addition, if you don’t need something, it won’t have to dust at your workshop, from now on we have also introduced the possibility to sell items in the store.

Unique mechanics

Speaking of novelties, we are also introducing unique mechanics in some levels. Such tasks as opening cardboard boxes and even… extinguishing a fire await you! It’s getting really hot.

Anything for you

We are constantly trying to come up with the most interesting solutions and novelties for our loyal players, veterans of the PC or console versions, while still staying true to what Electrician Simulator is. Keep your fingers crossed for us, and we will do our best to meet your requirements and keep you happy!

Let’s stay in touch!
Electrician Simulator VR Dev Team