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Electrician Simulator VR: Devlog Series #3

Electrifying Upgrades! Tiny details, big impact.

Hey there, Electricians!

Things are sparking up over here! Right now, we’re fine-tuning all the cool items you’ll be assembling during your jobs, and we’ve gotta say—we’re pretty proud of how they’re shaping up. VR has its own set of challenges when it comes to mechanics, but it also gives us the chance to make the game feel even more real.

And it’s not just about things like opening drawers and cabinets with physics-based interactions (though, yes, we’ve nailed that too). We’re adding big upgrades and tiny details to make sure the game feels alive and intuitive—so your everyday actions, like grabbing or opening stuff, feel natural and fun instead of frustrating.

So, what’s in store for you this time? Let’s flip the switch and take a look.


Let There Be Light

Do you enjoy assembling lamps? We’ve got plenty of that lined up, but we’ve added a little extra spark to keep it interesting.
Warm up those wrists, because you’ll be screwing in light bulbs! Just be careful—those bulbs and glass lampshades are delicate! Drop one on a hard surface, and snap—there it goes. That’s right, we’ve added breakable glass to keep you on your toes. Handle with care, folks!
Oh, and here’s a fun little touch: lamps won’t just hang stiffly from the ceiling anymore. Now they’ll sway gently, adding some life to the spaces you’re working on. It’s the little things that make a big difference, right?

What’s on TV?

TVs are getting a glow-up too. For the retro models, you’ll need to adjust the antenna to pick up a signal. And once you’ve got everything hooked up and working, you can kick back and use a remote control to test the setup. Unless, of course, you’ve misplaced the remote—because, well, we all know how sneaky those things can be!

Flawed But Fun

Not everything in your electrician journey will go as planned—because where’s the fun in that? Some devices might come with a few… quirks. For example, we’ve added a faulty lamp that’ll burn out any bulb you screw into it. Frustrating? Maybe. Realistic? You bet!
And who knows what other surprises we’ve got up our sleeves? Let’s just say we’ve got a few more tricks in the wiring for you.

Stay Tuned

Excited? You should be! We’re working hard to make sure this game is as electrifying as possible. Keep an eye out for more updates—there’s a lot more current running through Electrician Simulator VR.

Stay connected!
Electrician Simulator VR Dev Team